
Friday June 9th

Dr. East Phillips, DAOM, L.Ac.

7:50AM PST
Opening and Welcome

Kenneth Koles

8:00AM PST
More Qi More Better

Dr. East Phillips, DAOM, L.Ac.

9:00AM PST
Ageless: Ancient and Modern Day Approaches to Anti-Aging and Longevity

Eva Lu

Eva Lu

10:00AM PST
Cultivating Facial Posture with Face Yoga

Dr. Elizabeth Trattner

Dr. Elizabeth Trattner

11:00AM PST
How to effectively and safely use Gemstones and Crystals in Your Practice

Deirdre Courtney

Deirdre Courtney

12:00AM PST
Face Reading

Dr. Kym Black-Caporale, DACM

Dr. Kym Black-Caporale, DACM

1:00PM PST
The Simplistic ingredient Lists for Show Stopper Skin Care

Shellie Goldstein

2:00PM PST
Understanding the Aging Face: An East-West Perspective

Daniella Turley

3:00PM PST
Botanical medicine and its use in skin health. 

Dame Sandra Biskind and Dr. Lindsey Miccuio

Dame Sandra Biskind and Dr. Lindsey Miccuio

4:00PM PST
Reverse Aging with Stem Cells

Saturday June 10th

Dr. East Phillips, DAOM, L.Ac.

8:45AM PST
Welcome and Opening of Day 2

Sakina Di Pace

Sakina Di Pace

9:00AM PST
The Art of Facial Cupping

Dr. Lisa Cemo

Dr. Lisa Cemo

10:00AM PST
Facial reflexology: How to incorporate this modality into your acupuncture practice

Michelle Gellis

11:00AM PST
Microneedling and Hair Restoration Protocols using microneedling and red light

Dr. Carrie Hart

Dr. Carrie Hart

12:00PM PST
Gua Sha for Appearance Enhancement, Lymphatic Drainage and Facial Conditions

Mary Elizabeth Wakefield and MichelAngelo

Mary Elizabeth Wakefield and MichelAngelo

1:00PM PST
An Introduction to Facial Soundscapes

Dr. Susan Lange, OMD, L.Ac.

Dr. Susan Lange, OMD, L.Ac.

2:00PM PST
The Power of Your Face 2.0

Beth Russell

3:00PM PST
Thai Steamed Herbal Compress Massage for the Head, Face and Neck

Dr. Jenelle Kim

4:00PM PST
Increasing your revenue through retail and white label products

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